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Malfunctioning washing machine rinse cycle

QuestionI have a 1989 Whirlpool Super Capacity washer model LA5558XS. For some time now, my clothes have been covered with varying amounts of lint and/or soap at the conclusion of the wash cycle. Do I have a soap and/or lint buildup in the washer tub? Will the Aquarian filter you sell solve my problem? If not, do you have any idea what is causing this to happen?

AnswerNot knowing your washer, the type of soap you're using, the sorting of your clothes, etc., it's hard to determine what the real problem is in your situation. However, to me, it sounds like you have a mechanical issue with your washer, i.e., it sounds like the rinse cycle is not functioning properly. I would recommend that you bring in an appliance service technician to take a look at your machine.

Whirlpool super capacity washer, whirlpool model LA5558Xs, washing machine, clothes covered with lint, clothes covered with soap, soap buildup, lint buildup, aquarian lint filter, new timing switch, malfunctioning rinse cycle, rinse cycle not functioning properly, appliance service technician, washing machine and hard water, liquid laundry detergentThe Aquarian filters lint from the water that is exiting the machine so that it doesn't plug up the drain. The Aquarian lint-filter would not fix the situation with your machine—it filters only the water leaving the machine as it enters the laundry tub.

You might want to check to see if you have hard water? Sort your clothes differently? Run smaller loads? Experiment with different detergents (or soaps) and water temperatures? We prefer a liquid detergent over a powdered soap as some powdered soaps, depending on the amount of clothing in the machine, do not properly dissolve and leave a soap residue all over the clothes.

Please let us know what the appliance tech has to say.

UPDATE: 8/1/07

Thanks so much for your very prompt reply to my question regarding my washing machine. The technician said that the machine needs a new timing (brains) switch. He said there was a problem with the electrical circuit (something causes the circuit to be broken) which causes the machine to skip the rinse and final spin cycle.

Thanks again for your assistance. —Linda S.

UPDATE: 01/01/18

We still have small inventory of the filters but will not be manufacturing once the inventory is depleted. To order, send an email with your completed shipping address, quantity, and I will send you an PayPal invoice with the total cost.

For those who want to send in a check or money order—the total cost including shipping (to the lower 48 states) is $26.45 for one and $47.40 for two. Send to C.R.S., Inc., 1011 E 29th Ave, Spokane, WA 99203-3221. Be sure to include your shipping address.

Copyright © 7/28/07 & 01/01/18 LAF/C.R.S., Inc. All rights reserved.
Question answered by Leon A. Frechette.

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