Spud Spikes for baking, grilling, and barbequing.

WallMarker for hanging pictures perfectly

Spud Spikes with potatoes!

We are pleased to present this information on the WallMaker, as shown and described by the inventor Jeff Lombardo. Because we have not checked into this product, we are unable to endorse it or provide you with any additional information.

"The hardest part about hanging a picture is trying to figure out where to put the nail," says Jeff Lombardo, inventor of the WallMarker, a patented product designed to make it easy to hang pictures perfectly centered without measuring.

Throw away the laser. For just $2.99 it is possible to see picture placement without hammering nails. Shaped like an arrow, this WallMarker for Hanging Pictures Easilypiece of chalk has an adhesive side that sticks on the back of the picture at the center. When the position is right, the picture can be pushed against the wall to create a chalk mark, which is the spot where the nail goes.

Pictures can be easily eyeballed and marked without the need for measuring or multiple nail holes.

"If you make a mistake the chalk will easily wipe off the wall and save you from putting holes in the wall," says Lombardo. Because the WallMarker can be used multiple times, the same device can be used again.

For more information about WallMarker, please visit www.wallmarker.net (01/03/08).

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Related Search Terms: Product Previews, WallMarker, hanging picturers, laser, picture placement, chalk, Jeff Lombardo, nail holes

Spud Spikes for baking, grilling, and barbequing.

C.R.S., Inc. · Spokane, Washington · USA

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