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Plugged filter in bathroom Delta faucet

QuestionIn one of your articles you were asked a question about low water flow and pressure on a Delta faucet. I want to suggest one other possibility for the problem. Over the years I have replaced many other faucets with Deltas. One thing I have found to happen quite often is that the work jars loose some rust or dirt in the lines. Delta faucets have a very fine filter as part of their aerator that may clog up. Maybe that should be checked.

AnswerThe initial question was from a reader who replaced his bathroom faucet and was losing water pressure on the hot side but not on the cold side. Normally this suggests that either the washer screw came loose or part of the washer broke loose and is lodged somewhere between the shut-off valve and the faucet's water outlet, restricting the water flow.

If the water pressure had been lost on both hot and cold sides, then it would suggest that (in most cases) the aerator is partially plugged, causing a water pressure water drop at the faucet. The suggestion above to clean the aerator first is a good one, especially if the pressure has dropped on both the hot and cold sides. It wouldn't hurt to clean the aerator in both kitchen and bathroom faucets from time to time as preventive maintenance.

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Question answered by Leon A. Frechette.

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